Today, Elder 馮 talked about what American eats with us.

1. hash brown  炸薯餅

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專家 !! 職人 !!


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Today, it's a raining day. I am late.

We talk about the topic "Exercise" under Elder Feng hosts.

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Today, Elder Fang and 甘 were late.

So, we joined a game that Sister Hill and Sister Chang holded.

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Today, 4/23.

Elader 馮 and we talked about the yard.

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Today, Elder 馮 and we talked about the camping.

Elder Fang shared his camping experience with us.

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01.共通性與可變性分析。(commonality and variability analysis, CVA)


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何謂專家 ->

獨白:就醬有句寫的超貼切 "「三心:細心、耐心與佛心。這個工作做到最後,會不自覺地修練成佛。面對客戶不斷地無條件無道理地羞辱式修改,都可以忍耐。"

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資料來源<<Protocol Buffers Serialization in .NET Communication>>

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